Game FAQ

From Estfor Kingdom

Estfor FAQ

Welcome to Estfor Frequently Asked Questions. Here you can find the most common problems before contacting our support.

Wallet and RPC

  • How to change RPC?
    • The wallet communicates with an RPC when doing transactions. It can be changed in the wallet settings. In Rabby you find it under More -> Custom RPC. In Metamask you find it under settings -> networks
    • The game app also uses an RPC to fetch game specific data, such as your current loot. It can be changed in the Estfor app settings in the footer/menu

Buying Fantom and BRUSH

Question: Where can I buy BRUSH/FTM?
Answer: There are a few ways to buy or exchange FTM/BRUSH
  1. Use the in-game Coin Exchange
  2. Use SpookySwap

Also you can check Buying Brush for more information

Estfor Basics

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Estfor Advanced

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Contacting Estfor

The fastest way to get in contact with us is at Discord, followed by Twitter where all our developers and community members are eager to help you out!