Bridge to Sonic

From Estfor Kingdom

Estfor Kingdom is now LIVE on SONIC.

In this guide, we will show you how to bridge your Game Progress to the new Sonic Chain and we will cover everything there is to know about the whole process and what awaits you on the other side.

Bridge banner.png

The Bridge to Sonic

Bridge base.png

During migration, there will be some changes in the Fantom side of Estfor.

  1. New actions, hero mints, clan mints, passive actions, clan attacks, etc are no longer allowed.
  2. Running actions will continue to run and provide rewards (players can conclude their actions but cannot start new ones).
  3. Bridge to Sonic menu becomes available.
The Estfor Bridge to Sonic will exist for only 90 days. 

Do's, Dont's, Can's, and Cant's

You might be wondering, "Can I bridge my items? How about the pets? What about my hero and its progress? What about

Clans? Quests? etc" those are all valid questions--

So I prepared this handy little table to help you get familiar with the bridging process:

Name Can/Will it be bridged? Does the Player do it themselves?
Hero YES Yes, Use Step 4.
Hero Evolution Status YES Included in Hero Bridging
Hero Exp YES Included in Hero Bridging
Hero Skills YES Included in Hero Bridging
Hero ID YES Included in Hero Bridging
Hero Active Boost NO
Hero Active Action NO
Hero Active Passive Action YES Included in Hero Bridging
Hero Pending Loots YES Claimed in Hero Bridging
Hero Pending Exp YES Claimed in Hero Bridging
Hero Pending Passive Loot YES Included in Hero Bridging
Quests Completed YES Included in Hero Bridging
Quest Progress (if unfinished) YES Included in Hero Bridging (Active quests are paused)
Event Titles (Contest Title Reward) YES Included in Hero Bridging
Shop TX History NO
Hero Wish History NO
Hero Journal NO
Self Minted Collection YES Will be "airdropped" at a later date.
Clan YES Clan OWNER must bridge Hero (Included in Hero Bridging)
Clan ID YES Included in Hero Bridging
Clan Members NO
Clan Roles NO Only Clan Owner role when Owner bridges Hero
Clan MMR YES Included in Hero Bridging
Clan Rosters NO
Clan Bank NO Must be withdrawn to bridge. Use Step 1.
Clan Locked Vault NO Use Step 1 to Unlock and Claim.
Clan Pending Requests NO
Clan Pending Invites NO
Clan Wish History NO
Clan Boost Progress YES Included in Hero Bridging
Clan War History NO
Clan Journal NO
Items YES Yes, use Step 2.
Pets YES Yes, use Step 3
Eggs YES Yes, use Step 2.
Boosts YES Yes, use Step 2.
Not Transferrable Items (Coins, Anniv1 Event, etc) YES Yes, use Step 2.
P2P Orders (in custodial) NO Must withdraw then bridge. Use Step 1.
P2P Claimables ($BRUSH) NO Must withdraw then bridge. Use Step 1.
P2P Claimables (Items) NO Must withdraw then bridge. Use Step 1.
$BRUSH TOKEN YES Yes. Through PaintSwap Bridge or Ingame Bridge(Step 5).
Game YES Devs will take care of this.
Treasury YES Devs will take care of this.
Brush Tree $ "Shakeable" NO
Territory BRUSH NO
Basically, All hero game progress are saved and bridged to Sonic. The Player only needs to worry about bridging his hero and items/pets(and rejoining his clan!). 

Now that you have an idea of what you need to do, let's proceed to the In-game Bridge:

Step 1: Clearing out the Vaults, the Banks, and Pending P2P Orders

Bridge introduction.png

This step is more for the Clan Owners. It allows clan owners to instantly unlock all locked vault $BRUSH, claim everything in the bank, and transfer everything to the owner. It also allows players to quickly conclude and claim all pending Bazaar Claimables.

Please make sure to go through this step before moving forward.

Bridge p2p.png
If you bridge your hero without doing this step, CLAN BANK, VAULT, AND BRUSH MAY BE LOST FOREVER.

Step 2: Bridging Items

Bridge items.png

In this step, you just select what items you want to bridge, click Bridge, approve, and done. Very simple.

A few notes:

1. Can only bridge 150 uniue items at a time (QTY doesn't matter)
2. Non-transferrable items like Boosts, Coins, and Anniversary Rewards CAN be bridged.
3. Item can only be bridged to the same wallet address ( 0x12345  ---(BRIDGE)--> 0x12345 ) 

Step 3: Bridging Pets

Bridge pets3.png

Still the same process-- select which pets you wish to bridge, and send it. Done.


1. Can only bridge 10 pets at a time.
2. Pet stats, names, stars, etc, are perserved.
3. Anniversary Pets (not transferrable) will be allowed to bridge.

Step 4: Bridging Heroes

Bridge heroes.png

If you have concluded everything in Step 1, then this step should also be pretty straight forward: Select the hero you wish to bridge, bridge it, and poof.

The only way to bridge a clan over is to bridge the owner over. 

Other Considerations:

Clan Bank items and P2P Claimables (this includes custodial items being sold & brush in custody for buy orders) must be cancelled by the player before they can bridge deposited assets. Use Step 1 to do this efficiently. 
Player/Clan names/IDs are only reserved for 30 days. After which, unmigrated player names may be up for grabs. If this happens, you might be given a random hash on your bridged hero. 
All active actions (and queued) will be stopped and concluded upon migrating the hero. All progress made up until the transfer will be saved. 
Passive actions will bridge over with the hero.
You can only bridge to the same wallet. ie. 0x000001 ---BRIDGE--> 0x000001

Step 5: Bridging $BRUSH

Bridge brush1.png

The final step is to migrate your $BRUSH over. This step can be considered optional to the gameplay. Select which direction of the bridge, how much to bridge over, approve it, and done.

The Brush Bridge will be a 2-way bridge for the first 90 days. 
After 90 days, The Brush Bridge will be a 1-way bridge (FTM--->SONIC) indefinitely.
Bridging $BRUSH to another wallet is enabled esp for multisigs. 
$BRUSH CA on Sonic: 0xE51EE9868C1f0d6cd968A8B8C8376Dc2991BFE44

Final Words

Now that you have successfully migrated your progress to Sonic, it's time to get the real adventure started and explore the MASSIVE Migration Update!